Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Who is She?

Who is she?
She is not me,
Or is she?
Yet someone so unique,
So lively, so read,
In her world fakes aren't allowed
She is so beautiful, so young, && proud
She stands out in the biggest of crowds
& not its not bc she is loud,
it is the spirit that dwells within

a guardian angel sent to set detours to escape my sins
& people are drawn to her not only to pursue her
but to get just a glimpse about what they have heard
Walking down the overcrowded streets she stands out
not for the fame & fortune but to do wat she loves and in which her heart desires

she is the reason i am inspired
in her presence many are speechless or & fumble over there words
no need to be nervous she is as sweet, kind & humble as a humming bird
she gracefully flies to & from
only to be the best she can be

for everyone..

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