Thursday, October 16, 2008

Music Fashion Art Design Life the Necessities

You ever just sit in your room wondering what if things wouldnt have happened this way or what if they could be that way. Asking why me.Well why not you. You are selected for a reason not just randomly but hand picked. I do this myself wondering why things happen the way the do yet im now to a point where I accept the way things turn out. Something happening now could be preparing you for something to come in the future.
Well i think about this all the time and music helps soothe these thoughts and feelings. Music is used to express the feelings of people whether positive or negative they are used to put the feelings of people out in the open.
There are several different genres of music mi favorite are r&b, and hip hop. Now generations focus on Rap and the general topic of Sex, Money, & Drugs. This is what the people around you listen to constantly. Some songs I do like i will admit because the are catchy or becuz of the beat etc. But not many.
Mi favorite r&b artist is Alicia Keys. Someone who is unique, original, and outspoken in her songs. Her songs are deep and on many levels she can connect with most of her fans. Most singers i listen to today sound alot alike especially the rappers. Jeezy, Boosie, Wayne, etc . favorites to many yet all their songs are about the same things and also sound the same. Why does the youth of today continue to purchase and support these rappers? That is a question many people ask. Music is the expression of feeling so does that mean that the topics in the songs that these rappers rap about are their felings and expressions. Do drugs cross their minds 24/7 is that what the world today is coming to?Why does everyone limit themselves to listening to the same music and even Dressing the Same Way.
Same idea with fashion.When I walk outside mi room i see at least 10 people a day looking exactly the same and all just happen to be walkin together. Why be urself dont limit urself to the standards of others. You do not need to be UNIFORM to fit in. Yes i understand everyone now wants color in ther life and style of clothing but there is a limit lol . Do not look like a bag of SKITTLES PlZ we do not want to taste the rainbow from simply looking at ur outfit lol. But urstyle should depend on how u feel about what u think u lukk good in not the style of the time becuz as u can tell fashion is repeating itself the generation now is wearin clothes mi parents generation wore.So be urself!grl if u feel comfortable in cargo shorts n a baby tee then wear it people are going to hate and talk about u no matter where u go.You may be judged and viewed in a certain way but gossip is gossip and only ONE judgement counts in the end and thats THE MAN UPSTAIRS'!!
Art and Design are two amazing things.These are the ways i express mi emotions and thoughts. As many of u no i used to write poetry.but after some time i eventually stopped due to a lack of interest.Mi most recent hobbies and interests are now in Graphic design and Art (drawing). I do consider miself and artist.I created mi own Graphic Design album called DynoMyte CreaTionz which is a brief gallery of some of mi work which can be found in mi album on myspace.Emotion and Feelings are wat i tried to emphasize and capture in mi work so plz feel free to view and comment on mi designs.I plan to get better at it and continue on with mi hobby.
Thanx for reading a few of the many topics on mi mind .Plz feel free to comment.